St. Stanislaus College, Guyana

A Historical Perspective

Page Devoted to all things Educational
Some Things Historical

The historical Feast day of St. Stanislaus Kostka is celebrated on Nov. 13
Beginning in 2023, the celebration of this historical event by the Guyana Saints and the Toronto Saints Alumni is being recorded under the heading of Things Historical.
Authoritarians are marching in the wrong direction
As debates are raging about what should be taught in schools, this Economist August 3rd, 2023 article easily tops the list. The 2022 World Values Survey of social attitudes includes interviews with almost 130,000 people in 90 countries. The results suggest that Classical Liberalism (unlike Progressive Liberalism) draws on tolerance, free expression and individual inquiry to tease out the costs and benefits of change. Classical Liberals seek to harness change through consensus forged by reasoned debate and constant reform. There is no better way to bring about progress.
Interesting Perspective on some History of Guyana
A Church address to Canadian Seniors delivered by a distinguished Saints Alumnus, retired Judge Vibert Lampkin whose career is intertwined with the history of Guyana - both pre- and post-independence..
Visiting Guyanese Schools
An interesting account of some Guyanese schools by Gregory De Souza, B. Mus.,B.Ed., M. Ed, who left Guyana in 1962, taught grades 7 to 13 in Canada and recently retired after twelve years as an elementary school principal.